
to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


Documents in reach

Save all your documents and files like PDF, E-Mails, PowerPoint presentations or movies in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Everything is always in reach and searching becomes obsolete. Link your documents, so that they are right where you need them within your workflows.


Minutes installation


Days free trial


Saved hours per employee per year

In a hurry?

Get a quick overview and experience how files can be tied to, for example, a customer in Business Central.


File formats, Search, Preview, Document wallets, DropZone


Free for 30 days. Available in AppSource


Cost, Subscription, Licensing, Calculation


Place your questions and ideas during evaluation or usage.


Best practice scenarios

DocuTie is versatile and can be used for different and individual use cases. Here are some scenarios in which DocuTie is commonly used in practice.


  • Sales & Marketing

    Associate any previous communication with your customer on a sales order. You will always have an overview of all stages of the sales process in your Dynamics 365  Business Central.

  • Finance & Administration
    Attach helpful information to your customers or vendors. Relate contracts or special agreements to the business contacts so you have them when you need them.
  • Assembly Management
    Build your digital wallet by gathering all relevant information during your assembly process. Get all unstructured content such as construction sketches, quality guidelines or even technical manuals at a glance.

Free trial

DocuTie was developed as an app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. This enables you to start a free demo within a few clicks and 2 minutes of your time - in your personal testing environment. The only requirement: You need to have an Office 365 company account.


Start Trial